Clownfish: One of the most famous fish in the world, it can be hard to resist.There are many marine species too such as: Bettas: Another species known for aggression.It remains popular through its personality and orange splotches across its body. Oscar: An aggressive cichlid that doesn’t play well with others.Silver Dollars: This shiny species is round and flat, resembling an old silver dollar.Marble Hatchetfish: These small fish spend their time at the surface, so make sure you have a tight-fitting lid!.This is a small and hardy species that are great for beginners. Zebra Danio: They are not just limited to cold-water, they enjoy warmer temperatures too.There are lots of tropical fish here are a few popular ones for 75-gallon tanks: Goldfish (and fancy goldfish) are the most popular, but others include Weather Loaches and Zebra Danios. There are fewer options for cold water tanks. Some other things to look out for, is how big they will grow and how many you can keep. This involves checking that they all have similar water preferences and that they won’t fight (or eat) each other. You can choose some favorites based on their looks and behaviors, but then you need to research them. There are so many to choose from, that it is difficult to pick which one you want to keep at home. The size of a tank determines which fish you can keep, and also how many.ħ5 gallons can hold cold water, tropical, or marine fish. What Fish Can You Keep in a 75 Gallon Aquarium? (Stocking Ideas) Blue Tang, Copperband Butterflyfish and a Yellow Tang Salt will also be needed to raise the salinity of your water. Live rock is an important addition as it can introduce some extra food for your fish. If you are starting a marine tank, you will need a couple of extra things. Choose decorations around the needs of your fish, many prefer some caves and crevices. These could be natural-looking features like rocks and bogwood, or fun-themed objects from fish stores.

Lastly, you can pick some decorations.You can buy different grain sizes, including sands and gravels. The bottom of the tank should be covered in a layer of substrate.Cleaning the tank is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment. You will need some equipment for cleaning the tank, such as algae magnets, a fish net and gravel vacuums.Place it at the opposite end of the tank to the heater for the most accurate readings. A thermometer is helpful to make sure that the water is the right temperature.This is particularly useful in tanks without plants, since they release a lot of oxygen. An air pump can be used to oxygenate the water and help circulate water.Over time, the water level of your tank will decrease through evaporation. A hood will also stop things that may pollute the water from falling into the tank. Some fish jump and will escape the tank without a tight-fitting lid.